NFL Head Injury

NFL© Head Injury Concussion Lawsuits
Research has proven that having more than one or two concussions can lead to permanent health injuries. Furthermore, studies have linked professional football related brain injuries and concussions to long-term and disturbing effects. In 2009, a study by the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research surveying 1,063 retired NFL© players revealed that retired NFL© players suffer from dementia at higher rates than the general population.

At Principal Law Group, we understand the life-altering consequences that can come from concussions or other head injuries sustained during a career in the NFL©. As head injury lawsuit attorneys, we are dedicated to providing exceptional legal support to injured NFL© players. At Principal Law Group, we feel that the NFL© has failed to address the problems and issues related to repetitive traumatic brain injuries sustained by NFL© players.

Concussions, Head Injuries, and Severe Head Trauma
A number of studies indicate that the long term effects of head traumas and concussions in current and former NFL© players. Long term effects include but are not limited to the following: memory loss, difficulty with concentration, headaches, speech impediments, neurological issues, personality changes, depression, dizziness and dementia. A 2007 report by the University of North Carolina Center for the Study of Retired Athletes revealed that out of 595 former NFL© players who had sustained at least 3 concussions, up to 20.2 reported cases of depression. A study published by the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research showed a higher rate of diagnosis for Alzheimer’s disease and related memory conditions for former NFL© players.

Lawsuit Settlement Litigation
In August 2013, the NFL© agreed to a $765 million settlement in a lawsuit brought by more than 4,500 players and their families. The lawsuit alleged that the NFL concealed what it knew about the dangers of repeated hits to the head. The settlement will include $675 million for families of players who sustained cognitive injury, with as much as $75 million to be set aside for baseline medical exams. A $10 million research fund will also be established.

Despite the settlement, the NFL© maintains that the agreement is not an admission of guilt. The NFL© has been criticized in recent years after dozens of former players were reported to have chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a degenerative brain disease similar to Alzheimer’s, but the NFL© maintains they had no knowledge of the long term effects associated with severe brain and head traumas.

Get Help Today from an NFL© Head Injury Lawyer
A number of former NFL© players who have suffered concussions and other head injuries have made the decision to file lawsuits in pursuit of financial damages, medical treatment and ongoing monitoring to diagnose potential neurological issues that may occur as a result of their head injuries. To learn more about whether or not you qualify for compensation in an NFL© head injury lawsuit, contact us today.

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